pet photography


Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to accompany my friend and fellow photographer Heather       ( From The Heart Imagery) on a newborn TWINS shoot.... I was soooooo excited.... I have never photographed twins before and was really looking forward to it..... These two were amazing to work with...... They slept the whole time, and while one was feeding the other was getting his/her solo time infront of the camera.... Thank you Heather for this experience , it was awesome to watch you work your magic.... Hope you enjoy the images peeps.......

Maggie D


meet Zoey..............officially.......

meet the newest addition to our family..... introducing  Zoey...... we got her from a local breeder.... she was the biggest one in the litter, and of course she had the biggest ears.... those ears!!!!!!!  as soon as I saw them I was in LOVE....... Zoey is fitting in great.... our beloved Stella      ( an 80 lbs half american bulldog -half lab) has accepted her into our family .... the kids love her and so do I....and by some miracle I have yet to heard her bark( it's been 2 months).......... BLESSING !!!!  here is our little 6 pounder.... all ears........hope you  enjoy the images peeps.....


Maggie D